July 2013

Dear Donor,

This letter may be quite unexpected for you. After a lot of thought and deliberation, we have decided to write you this letter.

The reason we are writing this letter is to thank you.

"Thank you" is an expression which many people use and most of the time just in passing by. But this is a different kind of "Thank you." It is a "Thank you" that rises far above anything we can express in Spanish, English or any other language.

How do we say thank you for the fact that, because of you, we have received the miracle of life, the miracle of our daughters who shine their light in our lives every day?

How do we share with you that you gave us back our life? That you gave us a better life? Our parents thank you. Our friends thank you.

If you can imagine it, before the gift you gave us, we struggled for years with our infertility. We had six IVF treatments and countless IUI attempts, all with no result. We continued with our attempts, far beyond the point at which our doctors advised us to give up.

You should know that not one day goes by that we do not think of your generous spirit, of you who made it possible for us to enjoy life again. From the moment of the embryo transfer on that 1-st April 2010, we have carried you with us, in our thoughts and our hearts.

On the evening after the embryo transfer, we knew, we dreamed, that we were going to have twins. And indeed, 9 months later we were blessed with two wonderful daughters, B. and M. .

Two years later, after a cryo transfer, we again received the greatest gift: our precious daughter A. was born.

They are the most beautiful girls in the world.

We also want you to know something else.

We would like you to know that you will always be welcome, into our home, our lives and into our hearts.

Looking at the girls growing up, we realize that one day, they will know the story of their being. How it is that they came into this world.

If you are open for it, we would be honoured to be able to introduce our girls to you, and you to our girls. It would be so wonderful to meet you, and give our girls that part of their identity. With all our heart, we would like to invite you to meet the girls and us.

We are a couple with an open mind. A happy family who are eager to meet others and to welcome anyone into our lives.

If you have any special requests at all, just let us know. We are willing to do anything that is necessary. If you write us, please do so in any language you wish. We will be able to translate it. If you would like anything to be arranged, we will do so. We will make sure that our contact information is always up to date and available for you at the Clínica Eugin.

We promise to take good care of our girls. We promise to honour you through them, with everything we do.

We love you, even without knowing you. With all our heart, we wish you peace. We wish you love. And above all, we wish you faith in knowing that you have allowed our girls and us to live.

May God Bless You for giving us the miracle of life.

Thank you.

With all the love from the deepest of our hearts,

J., E.
R., B., M. and A.




